Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Character Kit stuff

Hi guys.

Just to make it easier, I'm copying in this email the Character Kit that we worked on in class today so you have a record of it in your email. Here it is:

Think about your Second Life character/avatar and apply the following set of criteria to them. Imagine you are that character and answer these questions:

* Super-objective (what is your aim in life?)
* I see myself as (five words)
* if I were a car/food item/alcoholic drink/sport/action hero/animal I would be a.....
* I dress to accentuate my.....
* I dress to hide my.....
* I lead with my....(body part)
* My idea of a good night is......
* My idea of a bad night is.....
* I value my best friend because they.....
* Favourite book/film/TV show/music/web site
* Relaxing means.....

This is what's known as a "character kit" - a set of questions you can use to build up the depth and believability of a character.

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