Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Second Life world - what we've agreed on

- the world ('platform') will consist of a central dome with connections to a number of smaller domes

- the platform will be either in space or underwater (undecided as yet)

- to get to the platform from the ground, there will be either an elevator or teleportation function (undecided as yet)

- the central dome will be an entry point, with the various functions and activities occuring in the smaller domes

- it's been suggested that a theme/aesthetic might be a fantasy mix of old world and futuristic, plus a jungle theme to the central area (Arthur - chekc his blog for more detail)

- the class has agreed that we will have some of the areas previously researched: bar/gun shop/evil lair/costumes. Some are being debated: elevator/holodeck/biodome


- The evil lair is called a brain called "MMShare". It's in a dome at the top of the platform that seems to be inaccessable.

- People need to go to every small dome and get a letter. Combined these make up a word. People will need to go somewhere to type in the word. This opens a door to the evil lair. When the first person gets there they get item/s of clothing eg tshirt, super cape, uniform (detail to be worked out)

- We haven't yet worked out the details of the story/history of the evil lair and what happened. We will mull this over during the semester break and we'll decide once we return. In the meantime we'll put up ideas for this on our blog sites.

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